Valerie Michelbook

Valerie Michelbook

CF-L2 Trainer, Owner


CrossFit Level 2 Trainer

CrossFit Kids Trainer

USAW Sports Performance Coach Certification

Burgener Strength Level 1

Aerobic Capacity Ambassador

About Coach

I moved around a lot with two military parents, so never really found my sport as a child. When I could, I would participate in gymnastics, martial arts, ice skating, and eventually got into weightlifting. I found CrossFit and fell in love with the variety of movements, skills, & the well-rounded approach to fitness in general.

Turning Point

CrossFit is great for my physical health, but it's also how I release stress from daily life. The capacity and strength I've built have given me more confidence, but this community has helped me grow as an individual. Any time I get a little down, all I have to do is look at this amazing group of perfectly imperfect people. They remind me that we are all a little broken from time to time, but we're here helping pick up the pieces together. This community is unlike anything I've ever experienced.

Motivation & Passion

I've been helping others find their potential, strength, and confidence since 2015 as Owner of CrossFit Four Pillars. We help children as young as 6 figure out fitness is fun, adults into their 70s keep their independence, and support people of every age/size/ability every step toward their goals. Helping people is my purpose and joy. I take immense pride in my work and make time for continuing education to make sure I am always learning and growing as a Coach.

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